Marvel Comics
The Amazing Spider-man #636
By Hervé St-Louis
July 11, 2010 - 08:45

Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Joe Kelly, Zeb Wells, J.m. Dematteis, Stan Lee
Penciller(s): Marco Checchetto, Michael Lark, Emma Rios, Marcos Martin
Inker(s): Stefano Gaudiano, Max Fiummara, Marcos Martin
Colourist(s): Matt Hollingsworth, Fabio D'Auria
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
$3.99 US

Spider-man’s death has revived Kraven the hunter. The balance of life is in disorder and Kraven does not want to live, unlike what his wife and family wishes. What’s at stake now that Spider-man is dead. Or is he really dead? I didn’t like the bad sleight of the hand trick used here. We never saw when Spider-man and Cain switched places. The Chameleon was following them the entire time. How can that be explained? The only thing I’m happy regarding this issue, is the death of Cain. I didn’t like the character and didn’t know why he was brought back in the first place. The artwork is good and the shots of the impaled Spider-man are deadly creepy.

Rating: 6.5/10

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