The All-New Booster Gold # 4
By Koppy Mcfad
November 17, 2007 - 03:45
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
Cover Artist(s): Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
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Booster Gold battles Supernova to prevent him from wiping the Flash and Kid Flash from history. But this leads to some shocking revelations for both Booster and his partner, Rip Hunter, the Time Master. Although this story starts off in a light-hearted mood, it soon turns quite serious with Booster and Rip fighting enemies on a very personal level. Amazingly, the story is still quite enjoyable, giving proof that Booster can work as a very serious character. But the mystery men who reveal themselves to Booster and Rip aren't really that familiar to readers so most readers are not likely to be shocked or amazed. The Flashes moreover don't really do much in this tale so anyone expecting the return of Barry Allen will be disappointed. Another disappointment is the art which is not up to the standards of previous issues. Some parts look scratchy and the fight scenes are poorly posed. It looks like none of the characters know how to throw a decent punch. But what really makes this title interesting is the premise of Booster Gold travelling through time to save superheroes. DC Comics now relies on the killing of superheroes to get the readers' attentions. Yet this comic has developed a devoted following largely because it offers the possibilities that these heroes can be retroactively saved, through Booster Gold's intervention. Ted "Blue Beetle" Kord is the main character in need of rescue but now Barbara "Batgirl" Gordon is added to the list. Even the title of this issue, "He'll Save Everyone Of Us," is a reference to this, (as well as a takeoff from an old song by "Queen'). Perhaps the popularity of this book is is proof that people are getting tired of DC Comics' slaughterhouse mentality. But since Booster is unlikely to succeed in saving all (or any) of these heroes, perhaps we are all just being set up for more disappointment. In any case, this issue gets three stars out of five.