Teen Titans #6
By Paul Mason
March 22, 2017 - 04:09
DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Penciller(s): Khoi Pham
Inker(s): Wade von Grawbadger
Colourist(s): Jim Charlampidis
Letterer(s): Corey Breen
Cover Artist(s): Khoi Pham, Jim Charlampidis; Chris Burnham, Nathan Fairbairn
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A game a fetch turns into an adventure and a mystery, and a rebirth origin story (?).
Benjamin Percy is the author of at least two bestselling novels with an anticipated upcoming novel due our this year. Therefore it should be no surprise his story lines are multilayered with more than a hint of humour. I am not going to lie I didn’t understand all the nuances of this issue, but did appreciate how fun it was, Percy has made Damian less annoying and worthy of a spot amongst the Titans.
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The art in this issue seemed a nice compromise between the teen Titans go! And young justice animation, in other words it wasn’t the most gorgeous art I ever saw in a comic but was more than sufficient.
Did I mention this issue ended on a cliff hanger making this reader salivate for the next issue.
Rating: 7/10
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