Superman: World of New Krypton #8
By Andy Frisk
October 13, 2009 - 20:38
DC Comics
Writer(s): Greg Rucka and James Robinson
Penciller(s): Pete Woods and Ron Randall
Colourist(s): Nei Ruffino
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
Cover Artist(s): Gary Frank with Brad Anderson
$2.99 US
Kal-El, Supreme Commander of the military forces of New Krypton, puts an end to the battle between Commander Gor and Thanagarian Wing-Master Vetalla Dae’s soldiers by saving Wing Master Dae’s battleship from destruction and promptly surrendering. Unfortunately, the Jovian moon that Gor and his squad were moving into orbit around New Krypton has broken free of its orbital trajectory and will crash into the new planet, destroying it as a result of the battle. Who instigated the hostilities isn’t revealed, but when the Thanagarian contingent reaches New Krypton and reports that its mission is a peaceful one, and that its goal is the establishment of diplomatic relations, it’s not hard to discern who struck first. Meanwhile, another race native to the Earth’s solar system, a race that has been around a lot longer than the New Kryptonians have, makes its voice heard…
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Kal-El managers to put an end to a potentially catastrophic battle, that could have erupted into open war, by taking a path rarely chosen by a military commander, one of peaceful surrender. Whether or not Kal-El’s actions are indicative of a sound military commander or not becomes irrelevant when the potential loss of life that could have occurred if Kal-El didn’t act the way he did is considered. Certainly, Commander Gor doesn’t agree with Kal-El’s actions, but even he is able to put aside his rabid militancy long enough to join the effort to save New Krypton, albeit at Kal-El's command. Rucka and Robinson continue to demonstrate their superior storytelling prowess in Superman: World of New Krypton #8. Their version of Kal-El/Superman, while definitely no longer the last survivor of Krypton, remains uniquely distinguished from them all. Kal-El’s dedication to peaceful processes, diplomatic approaches, and a reluctant but committed last resorting to war and violence when sorely threatened and all other avenues have been exhausted, is a product of his moral convictions, supported by his loving wife, Lois Lane, believed in by his closest allies, and instilled in him by loving parents. Kal-El is a Kryptonian, but he is the spiritual child of Earth, Midwestern America, Martha and Jonathan Kent, and the best of all of the above’s moral beliefs. He is truly a unique super-man who is worthy of the name Superman.
A superman deserves super artists, and Woods and Randall’s work continues to deliver one of the best drawn Superman stories ever. The scope and diversity of artistic range required by this series is well met by the two artists. From Thanagarian warships to the latest in New Kryptonian military garb, Woods and Randall manage to create them all with a flair for detail and realism that makes a fantastical tale of alien beings and strange worlds as realistically inviting as your own backyard.
This series has grown beyond its “must read” event status. With its depth of storytelling, complexity of plot, and the incredible scope of its art, this series is one of the best superhero reads of the decade. It continues to reinforce and reestablish why Superman is still the greatest superhero of them all.
Rating: 10/10
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