DC Comics
Superman: War of the Supermen #1 (of 4)
By Andy Frisk
May 5, 2010 - 15:03

DC Comics
Writer(s): Sterling Gates and James Robinson
Penciller(s): Jamal Igle
Inker(s): Jon SIbal
Colourist(s): Blond
Letterer(s): John J, HIll
Cover Artist(s): Eddy Barrows
$2.99 US

DC Comics’ Group Editor Matt Idelson states in this month’s DC Nation that, “All the threads we’ve been laying since alllllll the way back in Superman #650 (that’d be March 2006 for those of you keeping score at home) are going to be resolved, some in a manner most grim.” It’s been a long and wonderfully written and drawn storyline, but all good things must come to an end (grimly for some), including New Krypton…


It’s not really a spoiler to reveal the biggest development and event of Superman: War of the Supermen #1 (especially since said event is chronicled in this month’s DC Nation panel art!). New Krypton, or more specifically, the city of Kandor, and its 100,000 Kryptonians simply could not be allowed to exist in orbit around our sun indefinitely, and once the city was shrunk and then promptly re-enlarged; there wasn’t much of a storyline choice or resolution left besides destroying it. Just because it isn’t a shocker doesn’t mean that the destruction of New Krypton isn’t without significance. After all, these stories are about Superman, Supergirl, Lex Luthor, and their supporting casts (which don't historically include a whole planet of Kryptonians). Supergirl’s reaction to the destruction of her new home world (and another major character) is as touching as it appears it will be troublesome and controversial. New Krypton and Kandor may be no more, but the story isn’t resolved…far from it. Supergirl, the most interesting and dynamic character in the Superman character cast will have a major role to play in the resolution to the New Krypton storyline, for the better or worse.

It is fitting that Supergirl’s penciller, Jamal Igle, gets to pencil issue #1 of this series. He truly is the defining Supergirl artist now. He established his reign on the character with his consistent high quality work on Supergirl, while writer Sterling Gates developed Supergirl into one of DC Comics’ most compelling characters. It’s a real treat to see Igle pencil the whole New Krypton supporting cast this issue and bring his vision to a wider audience and cast of characters.

Soon new creative teams will take over Action Comics and Superman respectively. Fortunately, Gates and Igle will remain on Supergirl. The creative teams lined up for Action Comics (Paul Cornell and Pete Woods) and Superman (J. Michael Straczynski and Eddy Barrows) aren’t too shabby though, so hopefully the Superman Family of books will remain must reads. They certainly have been over the course of New Krypton’s existence.

Rating: 10/10

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