Comics To Film News
Superman Movie Takes Flight
By Patrick Oliver
October 8, 2010 - 13:06

Studios: Warner Brothers Pictures, Legendary Pictures, DC Entertainment, Syncopy
Writer(s): Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegel, David S. Goyer, Jonathon Nolan, Christopher Nolan,
Starring: TBA
Directed by: Zack Snyder
Produced by: Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan
Release Date: December 2012
Distributors: Warner Brothers Pictures
Genre: Superhero Movies

Tall Buildings


Zack Snyder, he of Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchman fame, has been unveiled as the person to direct the next Superman movie. he'll form one [art of a mighty triumvirate that includes Christopher Nolan executive producing and David S. Goyer on writing duties. This trio will work together to polish what is thought to be an already promising script.  

"I've been a big fan of the character for a long time.."

Nolan will begin work on 'Superman: Man of Steel', in earnest after he has wrapped up the current film he is working on, 'Sucker Punch'.

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