Superman #688
By Andy Frisk
May 28, 2009 - 16:36
DC Comics
Writer(s): James Robinson
Penciller(s): Renato Guedes
Inker(s): Jose Wilson Magalhaes
Colourist(s): David Curiel
Letterer(s): John J Hill
Cover Artist(s): Andrew Robinson
$2.99 US
At the end of last issue we saw Mon El begin to free fall to what would be certain death, over the waters of
Mon El in over his head.
Just when Superman, with its new protagonist, might have been showing signs of sagging in storytelling strength much like Mon El’s powers flicker on and off, this issue fully re-powers up the interest in the really great overarching World Without Superman storyline. Once again Robinson and Co. crafts a subplot to the storyline involving one of its major players that is going to be the first in a series of must reads for the storyline’s followers. It also looks like we’re going to be dealing with some pretty heavy philosophical and important questions about life, death, and the modes of living life to its fullest. In this issue alone we get the name dropping of Derrida, Picasso, Hemingway, Camus, The Louvre, Vermeer, Bosch, El Greco, and The Mona Lisa. Yes, this is a Superman comic book, and not a grad school paper on post modern or existential art and literature, but you get the feel that we’ll be dealing with some important existential questions over the course of the next several issues.
Guedes’ pencils continue to deliver impressive and sweeping cityscapes which have expanded to include Metropolis’ street level brownstones, Italian restaurants, and
Overall, Superman, chronicling Mon El’s story as he adjusts to Earth, his job, and his role as superhero protector of Metropolis, while now having to deal with the serious news of this issues’ revelations, is really making a strong case for one of the best ongoing series currently being produced, rebounding very nicely from last month’s lackluster issue.
Rating: 9/10
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