Review: Superman #6
By Philip Schweier
December 12, 2018 - 10:03
DC Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Ivan Reis
Inker(s): Joe Prado, Oclair Albert
Colourist(s): Alex Sinclair
Letterer(s): Josh Reed
Cover Artist(s): Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Alex Sinclair; Adam Hughes
the Phantom Zone, Superman and Zod are tag-teaming Rogol Zaar, who is dishing
out as much as he’s taking. His strength and stamina seems more than a match
for either (or both) Kryptonians.
The first 2/3 of the issue is comprised of seven two-page spreads of the battle, accompanied by an internal monologue from Superman, as he weighs his personal values against a monster who obliterated an entire race for no apparent reason. As Superman provides thoughtful insights into his moral debate, Zaar and Zod provide the action, trading punches that shake the borders of the Phantom Zone.
The balance of the issue follows Superman’s return to Earth – But wait! Who won? Well, that would spoil things, wouldn’t it? – and his readjustment to his usual routine of averting disasters and capturing criminals. And then there’s the cliffhanger, which I won’t reveal. The cover does that already, for anyone with half a brain.
But as always, the artwork of Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Oclair Albert is stellar.
Six issues into the new Superman series, one might think this is the obligatory six-issue story arc most graphic novels are comprised of. But if so, the ending is rather anti-climactic. Here’s hoping the narrative continues next issue, cliffhanger ending notwithstanding.
Rating: 8/10
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