DC Comics
Review: Superman #43
By Andy Frisk
March 22, 2018 - 13:44

DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Artist(s): Patrick Gleason, Joe Prado
Colourist(s): Stephen Downer
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Patrick Gleason, Alejandro Sanchez

BizarroBoy is different from his dad Bizarro. He's a freak on a freakish world. BizarroBoy is a good boy (in our speak). He'd rather hang out with Superboy and his dad Superman, but his home is far away and he belongs there. Can Superman and Superboy convince Bizarro to be not good too?


Bizarro has always been a bit of a comic relief, except for that time in Byrne's Man of Steel series where he was a strangely deranged clone of Superman. Here, in Superman #43 he is definitely more comic relief. The interactions between Superman, Superboy, Bizarro and BizarroRobin (yeah, he's a thing) are pretty funny, but Tomasi and Gleason manage to weave some serious drama and themes of "wanting to be a real boy" into "BizarroVerse," making it a more fun read than it should be.

Patrick Gleason and Joe Prado were born to draw Bizarro. He hasn't looked this cool, and funny, in just about forever. Gleason always did draw evil, and deranged, better than heroic and sane. His art is perfect here.

"BizarroVerse" is am bad read! (Meaning its pretty darn good in DCUVerse speak).

Rating: 8/10

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