DC Comics
Superman #38
By Paul Mason
January 2, 2018 - 22:36

DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J. tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Penciller(s): Sergio Devilla
Inker(s): Vicente Cifuentes
Colourist(s): Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert, Hi-Fi

Is it problematic that the titular character doesn’t appear until halfway through this issue?

The Teen Titans discover there is someone named Savior that plans to kill Superboy. A later revelation shows that Savior is Tim Drake.

In the opening pages there is a mini- fight amongst the Teen Titans.

Superman does show up to save his son, but by that time this whole comic seems like a hot mess. There is arguably value in it maintaining and continuing the Bat-Drake storyline but it would be more suitable as a Teen Titans as opposed to Superman story arc. A lot of DC titles have seemed to be running in place setting up stuff that may or may not come to pass, and I would describe this issue as one of those comics where a lot seems to happen but the story doesn’t seem to be moving forward very quickly.

The art is decent but not exceptional.

Rating: 5/10

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