Supergirl #46
By Andy Frisk
October 25, 2009 - 18:22
DC Comics
Writer(s): Sterling Gates and Greg Rucka
Penciller(s): Jamal Igle with Eduardo Pansica
Inker(s): Jon Sibal with Julio Ferreira
Colourist(s): Nei Ruffino with Pete Pantazis
Letterer(s): Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Artist(s): Joshua Middleton
$2.99 US
“Thara, be ready to move.”
“Because I just figured out that red sunlight doesn’t affect my tactile telekinesis.”
…and with these words, Nightwing breaks Flamebird and himself free of the red sunlight collars that were clapped on them at the end of Action Comics #882 by the now deceased Colonel Hazard of Squad K, and Reactron has a real battle on his hands. He nearly triumphs over the three, “Kryptonian kids, “ but when all looks almost lost, the Flamebird Effect takes over Thara and she soundly defeats Reactron. During the course of his defeat at the hands of Flamebird, Reactron spills his guts revealing that Mon-El is still alive and that General Lane framed Kara, Thara, and Chris. Throughout all of these events, Lois, who caught up with our heroes just as they broke free and took the fight to Reactron, has been taking notes and has yet another super-scoop/story to write…
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Perhaps the most interesting development in Supergirl #46 is that, after Kara and Thara make up and forgive each other for their behavior and the misunderstandings between them recently, Thara reveals to Kara the nature of Lana’s mysterious illness. Kara is not happy about what Lana has been hiding from her. Unfortunately, the reader isn’t made privy to this information, but fortunately, we’re given yet another reason to come back next month for more of one of DC Comics’ best ongoing titles (as if we really even needed another reason!).
Igle gets some help with the pencils this issue, but there’s no change in the superb overall quality of art that has been established in Supergirl as the norm month in and out. There’s still a multitude of superbly drawn hand to hand brawls, and some more great renderings of, as I’ve dubbed it (probably along with plenty others), The Flamebird Effect.
One of the best aspects of this series is that we are repeatedly treated to a front row seat in the ongoing story of the maturation of Kara as a young woman and hero. When Flamebird has Reactron at her mercy and is about to exact the ultimate vengeance upon him for all of the death he has caused, Kara stops her. “…my father would want justice, not vengeance. Thara…Flamebird…spare him, and I will take him home, to answer for his crimes.” Superman himself couldn’t have said it better.
The interlocking of all of the Superman Family titles under the World of New Krypton storyline, while allowing each title to continue to stand on their own and tell some great stories is still a storytelling event that continues to unfold and simply shouldn’t be missed. Nearly every week Superman fans (and fans of great comics in general) are treated to one of the most sprawling yet intimately involving tales ever produced. Supergirl is very nearly the best of all these titles right now.
Rating: 10/10
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