Suicide Squad #22
By Paul Mason
August 2, 2017 - 16:12
DC Comics
Writer(s): Rob Williams
Artist(s): Agustin Padilla
Colourist(s): Adriano Lucas
Letterer(s): Pat Brosseau
Cover Artist(s): Eddy Barrows, Ever Ferriera, Adriano Lucas
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Hmmm how to write this review without it being obvious I had a mini geekgasm reading it. Since Harley was named leader of the Squad they discovered a new enemy, the People. Waller was taken captive to be an audience to its leader, Croc got shot by Deadshot while Harley, Enchantress, KC and Dead shot were trapped with a bomb. The revelation there was at least a traitor in their midst came up. And the action continues here as we discover as Task Force X try to figure out a strategy to deal with the bomb that Harley is crazy indeed, but she may be crazy like a fox. Which may make her, indeed the ideal leader for the squad. You see people often forget crazy people can be highly intelligent too. And Harley is as smart as she is nuts which makes for a compelling character and comic. What else makes this a very readable issue is even though the whole humans vs. Metas isn’t a new trope there were some interesting arguments made while Waller was captive. As they say the best villains don’t see themselves as villains but saviors. So I am very interested how this arc will play out. The immediate future has Harley is kicking Boomerang’s butt.
What's next? Should be good.
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The art is exactly how Suicide Squad art should be. Not too beautifully stylized, but detailed and a little loose.
Rating: 8.5/10
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