Suicide Jockeys #1
By Hervé St-Louis
October 1, 2021 - 23:36
Source Point Press
Writer(s): Rylend Grant
Artist(s): Davi Leon Dias
Colourist(s): Iwan Joko Triyono
Letterer(s): HdE
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If you are familiar with Voltron and Power Rangers, then the setup of Suicide Jockey will make sense. It’s that but grittier and wish a good dash of Pacific Rim. As we follow Wallace’ descent into despair, we also see the opportunity he has to change things. The moral dilemma is palatable and that’s what drives the narrative. The characters feel familiar. By the end of the issue, there is no real resolution, more a cliffhanger into the next issue. That’s just right.
Davi Leon Dias draws realistically enough but his mechas and droids are too clean and symmetrical. But the brunt of the story is quite easy to follow and with more exposure to this world, his tech design should become a bit more dynamic. It is a tough order after all. Draw everyday humans and science fiction technology. This news series by Half Evil Comics is worth a try.
Rating: 7.5/10
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