DC Comics
Review: Superman #6 (2016)
By Andy Frisk
September 7, 2016 - 22:38

DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Penciller(s): Patrick Gleason
Inker(s): Mick Gray
Colourist(s): John Kalisz
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Doug Mahnke and WH. Quintana

The story line in Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason's first 6 issues of DC Comics' Rebirth Superman title is called "Son of Superman." It features a battle between Superman and The Eradicator wherein Superman and Lois' son Jon learns both what it means to be a superhero, while helping out his father in battle. So, is the last page really that much of a shock (or a spoiler)? No, it's not a shock. It's an awesome reveal.


Superman, aided by the collective souls of the dead planet Krypton-which Superman freed from The Eradicator's body-pounds The Eradicator to a pulp. Freeing a captured Krypto in the process, Superman manages to save the day. Of course, what else would we expect of our hero? Our hero, who has overcome Doomsday several times, defeated Lex Luthor over and over, and saved the world and the universe countless times was obviously going to prevail. That part of the story isn't the most exciting, or relevant, part Superman #6. It's that Superman saved the day in front of the world, thus announcing himself to the world while gaining the admiration and respect of the world, that's important. Yeah, we are a long way from the feared and maligned New 52 Superman. The Superman we all know and love is back. Bibbo himself even confirms he's back, and that's more than enough for me.

Tomasi and Gleason have been allowed to bring back the type of Superman story that so many of us loved. The glory days of Superman stories, those of the 80s and 90s, were action packed, realistic, and, more than anything, hopeful. Tomasi and Gleason's "Son of Superman" has been all of that, and DC Comics, as a whole, is better for it. This is how Superman should be written.

This really is a new era for Superman though. Never before has Clark Kent/Superman had a son with Lois, as man and wife, that actually has a clear defined role in the mainstream continuity of the character. Finally, the DC Comics powers-that-be realized that if it's okay for Batman to have a son, a character who has really worked well, why can't Superman? Also, if Batman's son can be a superhero, then why can't Superman's? This is going to lead to plenty of great stories and help keep Superman and his cast of characters fresh and relevant. Superman #6 will go down as the moment that Superman, as a character and a property, entered a new age in his history.

Maybe I'm too excited over the recent developments with Superman at DC Comics during Rebirth. Maybe I'm just a long term Post-Crisis Superman fanboy who longs for the fun and inspiring Post-Crisis Superman stories of his youth. Maybe I just don't care if I am. This is what Superman should be. I'm back on board as a reader, and a fan, for the long run.

Rating: 9.5/10

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