Review: New Super-Man #10
By Andy Frisk
April 13, 2017 - 09:13
DC Comics
Writer(s): Gene Luen Yang
Penciller(s): Viktor Bogdanovic
Inker(s): Viktor Bogdanovic, Johnathan Glapion
Colourist(s): Mike Spicer
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Viktor Bogdanovic and Mike Spicer
Kong Kenan is learning more about how his powers are activated through his Qi and how to be a heroic "super-man" by observing and working with the greatest superhero of all time: Superman. Lex Luthor and villains The White China Triad make things difficult though, along with an unsuspected player manipulating events behind the scenes.
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Still one of the most consistent, and entertaining, monthly published comic books from DC Comics, New Super-Man continues to supply the regular adventures of a young, just starting out, superhero with an interesting and educational flavor. Kong Kenan/New Super-Man is just a kid who is both coming of age and learning to be a hero at the same time. Sounds like a familiar and regularly tread, and re-tread, story line, but Kenan lives and learns in China, and thanks to writer Gene Luen-Lang presents a unique perspective on the super hero drama.
A major aspect of what makes New Super-Man so consistent is series artist Viktor Bogdanovic handling of the artistic duties on the series since the first issue. He now owns Kenan/New Super-Man visually, and any artist who draws him in the future will have to look to Bogdanovic's work on how to recreate the proper look of the character.
One DC Comics' Rebirth line's best kept secrets, New Super-Man should be at the top of your monthly reading pile.
Rating: 9/10
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