Review: Daredevil #22
By Andy Frisk
July 5, 2017 - 23:27
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Charles Soule
Artist(s): Goran Sudzuka
Colourist(s): Matt Milla
Letterer(s): VC's Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist(s): Mike Deodato Jr. Frank Martin
Charles Soule's run on She-Hulk was one of the best runs by a writer on a mainstream superhero comic book in the last decade. His legal background and affinity for the justice system, as well as his smart criticism of it when appropriate, infused his writing with a smart and sharp legal reading a la the late great Law and Order television show, without detracting from the fun, fantasy, and action that make for great superhero stories. His run on Daredevil has been just as good, if not better in some instances, including his current story line "Supreme."
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It seemed inevitable that an actual lawyer would end up writing the ultimate fictional superhero lawyer's adventures, and with "Supreme," Soule is delivering the legal thrills along with the superhero ones. A majority of "Supreme Part 2" takes place in New York State Supreme Court and revolves around the legalistic question of whether Daredevil can provide credible eye witness testimony without revealing his true identity, thus proving who he is. It's a fascinating legal question that, if Matt Murdock can win, will set a powerful, and almost frightening precedent. Only a real life lawyer could come up with this idea for a legal challenge and objection, but the question is so obvious that it's hard to believe that it hasn't come up before in a Daredevil story line (to the best of my knowledge at least). Proving that Soule is one of the best writers in mainstream comics, he effortlessly uses some courtroom superheroics to close out the issue, and answer the legal standard that Daredevil must meet to prove that he is in fact who he says he is. Not only is the whole story line brilliant, this individual chapter of it might be the best single issue of a mainstream comic book superhero's title thus far this year.
Artist Goran Sudzuka's thick, yet clear and concise lines parallel Soule's smart, yet clean and concisely explained legal arguments that comprise the majority of the story. He brings the gavel throwing action to brilliant and kinetic life with his clear action sequences.
It's pretty obvious the respect that Charles Soule has for the American legal system and courts of justice and he coveys it with reverence as well as fun. It's refreshing to see a positive portrayal of the court system. It's something that the health of the American Republic desperately needs right now.
Rating: 10/10
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