DC Comics
Review: Action Comics #999
By Andy Frisk
March 20, 2018 - 22:06

DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Artist(s): Will Conrad
Colourist(s): Ivan Nunes
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Kaare Andrews

Lois and her recently estranged father have made up, but almost become estranged again after one conversation. Fortunately, Clark shows up and reconciles the family, much to the joy of Jon. Sam will never trust that Superman will remain on the side of the angels and Lois, well...it's pretty obvious what Lois thinks about Superman. It's nice to have a story with a happy ending though...


Longtime, and legendary, Superman scribe Dan Jurgens has put Lois and Clark through some trying times, all of which ended up happily, even when he and his co-writers killed off Clark/Superman way back in the 1990s. It's only fitting that Jurgens pens the tales that lead directly up to the landmark 1000th issue of Action Comics. It's also fitting that the story finally reconciles Lois with her father Sam, as well as Clark and Jon. There's plenty of opportunity for further interesting stories to spin out of their relationship, either at the hand of Jurgens or others. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Superman, as a character, is kept fresh by the cast around him. A strong supporting cast allows Superman to be what his is: an iconic force for good that rarely has to deviate from being so in just about any narrative. Jurgens created and helped integrate the greatest supporting cast of characters the Man of Steel ever had, and continues to do so. I hope in the new writing regime to come under Bendis, there's still a spot for Jurgens to work on a Superman book.

Artist Will Conrad is the perfect artist for Jurgens' story. He is adept at creating multiple panel pages of the type that recall the old Marvel Comics' style of the 70s and 80s before the comic book reading public was subjected to an overabundance of splash pages that kept storytelling more "efficient" and "cost conscious." I love multiple panel pages, especially since they are conducive to thick slices of meaty dialogue, something that definitely still has a place in comics.

Action Comics #1000 is right around the corner and I cannot wait to see what the good folks at DC Comics have in store for us lifelong Superman fans, but still thrill monthly to Jurgens's stories and will continue to...hopefully.

Rating: 9/10

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