DC Comics
Power Girl #18
By Hervé St-Louis
December 19, 2010 - 23:46

DC Comics
Writer(s): Judd Winick
Penciller(s): Sami Basri
Inker(s): Sami Basri
Colourist(s): Sunny Gho, Jessica Kholinne
Letterer(s): John J. Hill
Cover Artist(s): Sami Basri, Sunny Gho
$2.99 US

Power Girl fights a clone of herself but with dark hair. The clone can do everything she can and almost better. Maxwell Lord is responsible for the clone, but Power Girl doesn’t know who Lord is. How can she defeat an enemy she doesn’t know?

This issue is my first Power Girl comic book in months and it was quite enjoyable. Most of the story is a big fight with the evil Power Girl. She looks meaner and as has been commented upon in many blogs and forums, she looks a lot like Donna Troy. I liked that Power Girl had to face a real opponent here. Divine matched her in every way, except for her personality. About the story, for years, I wasn’t a fan of Winick’s writing. I thought he was to melodramatic and took too many shortcuts. But Winick, in both this book and Justice League Generations has been quite focused and made both storylines move quickly. I really love that Max Lord is now a major villain for Power Girl. They have a lot of history together and she will be a great addition to the rogue Justice League fighting Lord.

What I would like to know is how exactly one can trigger back the memories that Lord has pushed aside? Also, I hope that Divine doesn’t become a permanent fixture. I don’t like cloned villains and Power Girl is already kind of a clone of a Superman derivative.

Basri’s artwork is gorgeous and perfect for Power Girl. I like that DC Comics gave this series an above average artist with a unique flair instead of a random generic one. He follows in Amanda Conner’s steps quite well. The fight was epic and the colouring sweet.

Rating: 9/10

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