DC Comics
Odyssey of the Amazons #3
By Paul Mason
March 18, 2017 - 10:13

DC Comics
Writer(s): Kevin Grevioux
Penciller(s): Ryan Benjamin
Inker(s): Don Ho, Ryan Benjamin
Colourist(s): Tony Washington
Letterer(s): Saida Temofnte
Cover Artist(s): Ryan Benjamin, Tony Washington

The Odyssey continues in this third issue, wherein the famous female warriors the Valkyries are introduced.  A fight with Hessian and her Amazons ensues. There is a temporary truce while trolls attack, but it is uneasy. This issue ends with a pretty large cliff hanger.

The art was again strong in this issue. However I fear the story is already becoming a little muddled, maybe the editors were afraid of it becoming formulaic so they instructed Grevioux to write as many twists and turns as possible. I do not know, however I found parts hard to follow and some of the writing repetitive three issues into the comic. I trust the big picture will have a payoff that makes it all worthwhile though so I grade this one 7/10.

Rating: 7/10

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