Review: Nightwing #48
By Philip Schweier
September 5, 2018 - 13:23
DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Artist(s): Amancay Nahuelpan
Colourist(s): Nick Filardi
Letterer(s): Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Artist(s): Mike Perkins, Dave McCaig; Kenneth Rocafort
has been forced into a race of Netherworldly scale, jockeying for position
around the mystical isle of Diobhail. Don’t try to pronounce it, you’ll fail.
It’s a Celtic shibboleth, a world that is not spelled the way it’s pronounced.
Chances are it’s pronounced something akin to “Dosh-vall.” Maybe.
But I digress. The isle is a center point of multi-dimensional activity, making it the perfect location for a bizarre, road-race-to-nowhere. Nightwing has been forced into the race by Wyrm, who is cybernetically holding Dick Grayson’s friends for ransom. Fail to win the race, and they die. But if he wins, Wyrm has digital access to the mystic forces of the DCU. It a Kobayashi Maru scenario.
A number of familiar faces have joined the race, including Silencer (Who? A new DC character, who’s first issue came out last week) and Professor Pyg. He’s an abominable villain whose super-power seems to be a ridiculous level of unlikeability.
It’s billed as “Harm’s Way, Part 1,” but if this race runs another five issues, I’m going to be mighty tired, and not in a good way. I just don’t believe it’s the type of scenario that they can pull off that long and still maintain interest. I hope they can either A.) prove me wrong; or B.) have something else planned. We shall see.
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