Mister Terrific #4
By Hervé St-Louis
December 28, 2011 - 11:57
DC Comics
DC Comics' parent company Time Warner supports SOPA
Writer(s): Eric Wallace
Penciller(s): Gianluca Gugliotta
Inker(s): Wayne Faucher
Colourist(s): Mike Atiyeh
Letterer(s): Dae Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): J.G. Jones
$2.99 US
Rating: T
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Let’s tackle the most negative part of this series. Gugliotta is back drawing this comic book this month and again, the visuals are not what they need to for this series to breakaway and stand on its own. Although he uses interesting perspectives in his work and has a dynamism similar to Neal Adams, the way he draws faces just doesn’t work for me. The inking is better this issue.
DC Comics’ 52 is a seems to want to replicate every comic book genre out there. I guess it’s safe to say that Mister Terrific occupies part of the Fantastic Four settings minus the family. It’s all about science and weird dimensions with a super smart guy. I’m not sure if I’m interested in reading about giant bugs in different dimensions. The Fantastic Four have done that for years with Annihilus. I didn’t like it there, I don’t like it here either. If there is one series in the new 52 that DC Comics needs to quickly reboot or retool before the newness fades away and the public moves on, it’s this one. I used to really like this character but this series fails to entertain or take the character anywhere useful. It’s a shame. One thing interesting that we learn this issue, is that Mister Terrific is in the same shared universe/dimension as Superman and the other rebooted characters. That means he's not living on the Justice Society's dimension. Time Warner Inc. the parent company of DC Comics supports the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).
Rating: 7/10
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