Masters Of The Universe: The Origin Of Skeletor #1 Review
By Alexander Jones
November 1, 2012 - 15:54
DC Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Hail Fialkov
Penciller(s): Frazer Irving
Inker(s): Frazer Irving
Colourist(s): Frazer Irving
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Frazer Irving
$2.99 US
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Knowing the writer to be Joshua Hail Fialkov and the penciller to be none other than Frazer Irving something a little darker is to be expected. Especially when examining the sparse backgrounds and lonely characterization that Irving and Fialkov truly achieve.
If darkness is an invitation to the weird and supernatural, Masters of the universe is the smoking gun that shoots these darker tones as ominous winds through the air. The issue encases a small cast and serves one very important purpose to introduce the villain of the piece known as Skeletor.
With Frazer Irving coloring and inking his own art there isn't a panel in the comic book that looks strange. His art is extremely consistent and colored in a superb fashion. The only true nitpick of his style is the fact that the images lack fluidity in most cases. In the sense that they seem static as if nothing is moving.The series has already built a strong foundation in a big important villain, if execution can stay this dynamic we could be looking at the He-Man reboot that finally sticks.
Rating: 8.5/10
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