Marvel Zombies 4 #1
By Nathan Madison
April 13, 2009 - 02:33
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Fred Van Lente
Penciller(s): Kev Walker
Colourist(s): Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letterer(s): VC's Rus Wooton
Cover Artist(s): Greg Land; Authur Suydam (Variant)
$3.99 US
Marvel Zombies 4 follows rather quickly on the heels of its predecessor (when considering the somewhat longer gap between the second and third installments) and picks up immediately where we last left Dr. Michael Morbius: filling the ranks of his newly-commissioned Midnight Sons. This time around, there are a few new members, such as the Werewolf by Midnight Jack Russel, the Man-Thing, Daimon Hellstrom (Son of Satan), and survivor of the Zombie plague's initial assault into the 616 Marvel Universe, Initiative sorceress Jennifer Kale. The escapees from the end of the previous series have made their way across the Earth, leaving a trail of infection and death in their wake, as well as a path for the Midnight Sons to follow. Through these errant zombies, the "Hunger Gospel" comes into the hands of one who would use it in his own, personal war against all superheroes; the criminal mastermind, the Hood.
While the art and premise of this initial issue are extremely well done, the issue falls short on a few levels. While there is plenty of zombie bashing and biting, it lacks the rush of energy that the first issue of Marvel Zombies 3 delivered. There is something lacking in this issue, that does not
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On the other hand, this issue also has a great deal that will keep readers wanting more. The characters themselves, many of which have not been seen in a central role for a number of years, are a welcome, and fitting, addition to the Zombieverse. Sending "good" monsters to fight "bad" monsters is something of a cliche; however, Van Lente and Walker manage to pull it off in a new and interesting way. This issue and the final issue of Marvel Zombies 3 could be read as a single story, creating a flow that is natural and not disjointed in the least. Furthermore, information concerning the nature of the Zombie plague itself continues to emerge, and add depth to the entire concept.
The addition of a particular, very appropriate guest star fits extremely well into the series as a whole, and adds further to the integration of the Zombieverse into Marvel 616 that Van Lente and Walker have always promised their series would be. Marvel Zombies 4 #1 ends on a cliff-hanger, concerning both the protagonists as well as the antagonists, and leaves the reader waiting for the next issue.
While having one or two small flaws, overall this first issue is a worthy read and has the potential to continue the fantastic narrative Van Lente and Walker have shown to be fully capable of creating.
Rating: 7.5/10
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