Marvel Zombies 3 #2
By Nathan Madison
November 6, 2008 - 17:32
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Fred Van Lente
Penciller(s): Kev Walker
Colourist(s): Jean-Fracois Beaulieu
Letterer(s): Rus Wooton (Virtual Caligraphy)
Cover Artist(s): Greg Land and Justin Ponsor
$3.99 US, $4.50 Canada
As this issue opens, Jocasta and Machine Man teleport into the universe of Earth-2149, better known as the Zombieverse, in order to obtain a sample of uninfected human blood from that particular reality, in an effort to create some sort of defense against the proliferation of the virus on their own Earth-616, the mainstream Marvel Universe. Upon arrival, the duo confront, and dispatch, several zombified versions of well-known Marvel heroes and villains and trace the few remaining human life signs Jocasta is able to locate to the headquarters of the now-zombified Kingpin, who seems to have gained a great amount of power on this desolate
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When I first read that there was going to be a third Marvel Zombies mini-series several months ago, I was somewhat apprehensive, due to two main factors: First, the original Marvel Zombies team of Robert Kirkman and Sean Philips had stated in interviews that they had no intention of continuing the Zombies' story after the second series ended, any time within the immediate future, at least. Second, there was the concern that yet another series would have little, if any, new ground to cover and was going to be nothing more than a mediocre addition to a story that had run its course. Thankfully, I was completely wrong.
Marvel Zombies 3, so far, has proven itself to be an excellent addition to the franchise, and has even added to the entire Zombieverse mythos an atmostphere and feeling all its own. The events of this series take place after the first Marvel Zombies series, but before the second, within the forty years that separated the two, and gives interesting insight into what exactly was going on during that timeframe. The addition of two robot protagonists give the story a new twist; while a big part of the drama with human characters in the preceeding volumes would be the risk of infection, the use of androids allows for more interesting, and intense, fight sequences that were, for
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For anyone who believed that the Zombies had run their course, and that a third series simply was not needed, Marvel Zombies 3 has been an excellent read so far, succeeding in returning to a fan-favorite genre, while adding several new and refreshing aspects to the premise at the same time.
Rating: 8/10
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