Review: Martian Manhunter #3
By Philip Schweier
February 27, 2019 - 08:38
DC Comics
Writer(s): Steve Orlando
Artist(s): Riley Rossmo
Colourist(s): Ivan Plascensia
Letterer(s): Deron Bennett
Cover Artist(s): Riley Rossmo; Josh Middleton
In tried and
true DC fashion, a classic character’s origin is revisited, adding additional
layers that take beyond what originally existed. It usually works well, and
that is the case here. He’s a J’onn J’onzz of the Digital Age, instead of the
Space Age.
This issue brings us to J’onzz’s arrival on Earth, and the life he built for himself while hiding in plain sight, his secret is out and in danger of being exposed. His telepathic abilities could resolve the problem, but as a Manhunter, he has a moral obligation to find a better way. He wants to, but it’s all a question if he can earn the trust of those he’s deceived.
After three issues, I can see how Rossmo’s artwork informs the reader. His style is part of the storytelling, beyond just drawing images to accompany the written narrative. All successful comic artists do this, certainly, but in this case, it’s his style of rendering that adds an additional layer.
I fell as if now the real story can get under way. Think of Superman: The Movie. Once the origin was told, cast and crew could focus on presenting an original adventure. Same thing here, and believe me, there are far worse storytelling templates to follow.
Rating: 7/10
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