Legion of Superheroes # 50
By Koppy McFad
February 14, 2009 - 02:28
DC Comics
Writer(s): Justin Thyme
Penciller(s): Ramon Bachs
Inker(s): John Livesay
Cover Artist(s): Francis Manapul, John Livesay
$2.99 US
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This version of the Legion has been pretty much doomed. With an older, more popular version of the Legion appearing in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA and the SUPERMAN books and the big LEGION OF THREE WORLDS miniseries in the offing, virtually everyone knew that this book was on the chopping block.
A fill-in writer (who was too embarrassed to use his real name), a fill-in art team and a rushed ending for a would-be epic tale. Could anything good come out of this comic?
Surprisingly, it is a fairly entertaining issue, one that shows the Legion competently battling an invincible foe. The enemy has a fairly original motive and a rather unique look, far different from the tooth-gnashing bad guys in most 'alien invasion' storylines. The art may not be great but it is far from awful-- a remarkable feat considering the huge cast.
Yes, this issue leaves a lot of things unresolved. A bunch of subplots are left hanging and many characters are simply dropped completely from the story. But the mystery writer does find a credible way for the Legion to beat an unbeatable foe and to come back from certain death. And for the big twist at the end, he even manages to pull out a surprisingly touching happy ending. All in one issue. Those worrying about Princess Projectra or waiting for Cosmic Boy to come back will be outraged by this issue but considering all its limitations, the book is as good as it could be expected.Anyway, a new version of the Legion is on its way and this series will soon be reduced to a footnote in DC comics history.
Rating: 6.5/10
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