Justice Society of America #1
By Geoff Hoppe
December 8, 2006 - 19:10
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns
Penciller(s): Dale Eaglesham
Inker(s): Art Thibert
ISBN: 978-1401214722
256 pages
They’re baaa-aaaack. The original hero team, the Justice Society of
In this first issue of the series’ relaunch, the JSA is hunting down the descendants of various original members such as the son of the Golden Age Atom, the first Red Tornado’s granddaughter, and Wildcat’s son. The reason? An invitation to join the brand spanking new JSA. In all fairness, Geoff Johns does a more than adequate job balancing the recruitment storyline against an investigation subplot featuring Mr.
Dale Eaglesham draws subtle facial expressions as well as he pencils splashy, kinetic action sequences. There’s a hilarious exchange between the Red Tornado’s granddaughter and Power Girl where two glances establish more than a page of writing could do. He also gets the enviable task of drawing JSA costumes. The JSA may not be able to take the JLA in a fight, but they do have much more interesting costumes. Excellent work on Eaglesham’s part—‘nuff said.
Worth the money? Not the four dollars it costs. Seriously, for four bucks, I expect scratch and sniff cardstock that smells like Power Girl's hair.
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