Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom # 1
By Koppy McFad
November 28, 2008 - 23:38
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns, Alex Ross
Penciller(s): Fernando Pasarin
Inker(s): Fernando Pasarin, Norm Rapmund, others
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Bob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Alex Ross/Fernando Pasarin
$3.99 US, 48 pages
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The god-like Gog had given the Justice Society various gifts-- restoring Damage's face, Dr. Midnight's sight and Lance's life, etc. But now, the drawbacks to those gifts are revealed in this special issue.
This is one of several 'specials' that have come out in connection to the "Gog" storyline in the pages of JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA and unlike the other specials, this one seems organic to the series. In fact, it could have easily fit into the normal run of the Justice Society. It does not focus on one character exclusively but gives us a look at most of those who have benefitted from Gog's gifts.
Of course, the lion's share of the story goes to Damage who is now parading his handsome face around as proof of Gog's divinity. This prompts the JSA to bring in someone to talk sense into him, namely --- SPOILER'S ALERT ---
his 'step-brother' in spirit, Atom Smasher. While an encounter between the two characters was inevitable, the way the creative team has sprung it upon the readers gives it a surprising freshness. They do try to talk it out but eventually their differences-- and similarities-- are too great and blows are exchanged. In another original gesture, we do not get an extended fight scene. The creative team quickly makes it clear who the big dog in the fight is.
The story tends to meander a bit-- one moment, showing the KINGDOM COME Superman conversing with Wonder Woman, the next moment, showing Jakeem and Mr. Terrific conversing. While the scenes with Damage and Sand have a sense of urgency and danger, a lot of the other scenes seem a bit tacked on, just to give us all an update on what the massive cast is doing.
The art has some very good scenes but is also very inconsistent. Ther immense detail in some characters like Gog, Dr. Midnite and others really brings the story to life. But there are also some panels which come off as flat. There are also too many scenes where characters are shown with huge, muscular torsoes but short, shrimpy arms. How this got past the editor is a mystery.
At any rate, the book ends with a partial revelation of Gog's real agenda. It sets up the coming conclusion very well. But it also leaves a lot of the JSA members looking really stupid for blindly following a stone giant across Africa, even when he was casually killing people.
Rating: 8/10
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