Jonah Hex DC Direct Review
By Randy Herkowitz
July 5, 2008 - 19:56
DC Direct
I was first introduced to Jonah Hex in the 1980's, buying his comics in the .50 cents bins at comic book stores. This was the Jonah Hex series where he was in the future. If I recall correctly it was just called, Hex. I loved his look. He wore all black and had a face only a mother and I could love. As I got older and more mature, DC Comics Vertigo brand was releasing great stories of Hex but now he was his old gunslinger self. These were some of the best comicbooks I read.
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I have been very supportive of Mattel Toys DC Universe line and am curious how expansive they get with the DC universe but something tells me Jonah Hex isn't making the list anytime soon. Therefore, I broke down and bought the DC Direct action figure.
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I'd like to mention, to my knowledge this is the first time DC Direct has used the clamshell packaging. I like clamshell packaging from the standpoint that it keeps the figure safe and doesn't ruin the cards (even though I open all my toys anyways). However, in today's economical climate it surprises me that they went this route. It is also in my opinion a big waste of plastic but onto the toy.
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Jonah Hex is beautifully sculpted. I don't think I could ask for anything more. He wears his traditional gunslinger outfit and has his ugly facial expression.
For DC Direct, Hex is well articulated. Perhaps the only thing that could be added is side to side hip joints but otherwise he has all the expected joints.
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Jonah Hex is accessorized with his hat and two pistols and that is all he needs. He also comes with a circular stand which is not too big as they sometimes are.
I really like the paint job on this figure. They captured the color of his denim very well and I like the stone gray coat he wears. There are no noticeable sloppiness with the paint applications that I can see.
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I am very satisfied with this figure and so will you as long as you appreciate action figures and Jonah Hex in all his gruff appearance.
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Randy Herkowitz
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