Irresistible #3 Advanced Review
By J. Skyler
September 11, 2012 - 05:20
Writer(s): Raven Gregory
Penciller(s): Amin Amat
Colourist(s): Franco Riesco
Letterer(s): Crank
Cover Artist(s): Sean Chen, Juan Fernandez
$3.99 US
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The issue (briefly) touches on the rarely discussed topic of female-on-male rape, as a common rape myth is that if a guy has an erection, he's expected to "man-up and take it," even if it it's against his wishes. Irresistible #3 also brings a biblical figure into the picture you'd never expect (hint: It's probably not the one you're thinking of). If you thought the story behind this limited series could only go as far as sexual release, think again.
Follow me on Twitter @jskylerinc
Rating: 8/10
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