Iron Man Director of S.H.I.E.L.D # 29
By Andy Doan
June 2, 2008 - 09:05
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Stuart Moore
Penciller(s): Roberto de la Torre & Carlo Pagulayan
Inker(s): Roberto de la Torre & Carlo Pagulayan
Colourist(s): Dean White
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Abi Granov
ISBN: 1093-0809
US $2.99, CAN $3.05, 23 pages
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Ironman Director of SHIELD # 29 |
I think I may be suffering from Iron Man fatigue lately. I mean this seems like a well put together issue of Iron Man but it's really not doing it for me any more. Iron Man has set foot in every major Marvel title over the last little while and made an impression everywhere he's gone. Even if he doesn't appear in person his name is on the lips of every character in every corner of the universe right now and this all above and beyond the recent movie.
I'm not saying that this current story line couldn't evolve into something special, and that three or four issues from now I could be looking back fondly at it's humble beginnings. This issue marks the first for writer Stuart Moore, it make take one more month for this storyline to getting into gear. All I'm saying is that it's time for something new. Personally I'm ready for Tony to hand off the reigns of S.H.I.E.L.D. for a little while. Maybe even go through another bout of alcoholism (I don't really mean that). Perhaps a space adventure?
I'm confident that by the end of the Invasion series something interesting will be in store for Marvel's newest marque character. In the meanwhile I guess we're just going to have to be happy with the status quo. Which is not too bad considering that the status quo is a exciting, action filled mature adventure series.
Moody and filled with grit. The art in this book is as good as you'd expect from a major title without seeming too industrialised. Very reminiscent of recent Daredevil. It works well with the military tone of the series. Just because it's Iron Man doesn't mean everything has to be bright and shiny.
There's nothing wrong with the current run on this series. It's as compelling as the work being done on the other Iron Man title. I just can't help but to expect a little more from the company that has been knocking our socks off so consistently over the last few months.
Rating: 7/10