Identity Crisis Hawkman
By Big Bear
March 1, 2007 - 23:20
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Many comic book characters that are produced by DC Direct figures are normally artist renditions rather than character specific, and Hawkman is no exception. This version of Hawkman is based on the cover artowrk for the Identity Crisis series done by Michael Turner.
The plastic used on Hawkman is firm but bendale. I say that mainly because of the soft parts used for his mask (check the wings over hsi earpiece), and his wings themselves. The wings will not easily break, but can be bend a little. This is so that the weight of the wings will not bog down the weight of the figures body. The mace is also a softer rubber so that the handle can bend before breaking.
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While the JLA Classified was known for the figures havng short arms, the Identity Crisis figures all seem to have extra long arms. Hawkman's arms seem to be as long as an apes when they are held down on his side. However that won't bother you too much when the figure is taken out of the package. The mask is detailed as it is furry instead of a solid metallic mask. Although his eyebrows are painted on instead of sculpted, it does not take anything away from his face. The colors add highlights to his serious features. This is no smiling flying man. Here, Hawkman is dead pan in his expression.
The body given to Hawkman looks like a world class athlete, so his muculature is perfect. Very broad shoulders and solid legs only enhance the look of this action figure. For a hero that flies around half-naked while fighting crime, Hawkman looks very good.
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Hawkman is a very tall figure. Standing about 7' inches in height, he easily towers over most of my other figures. His feathered mask gives him a "Thor effect", in that his mask's wings give him extra height.. His height gives him an imposing look, especially when standing next to other Marvel Legends and DC Direct figures. He looks perfect standing next to other figures form his specific toy line.
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His wings work well. They have balls at the hinges to fit into holes on Hawkman's back and that gives him a variety of movement so that one can imagine old Carter Hall flapping his wings around the city. The ball jount socket allows him to flap his wings, twist them around, and to move back and forth.
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The paint on my figure is good in my opinion. I especially loved how they did a solid job on his eyebrow paints. I have no bleeds on Hawkman. The color work on the mask is solid and will not disappoint. It is hard to mess up the paint on a guy whose costume is only a mask and wings. Thankfully DC Direct seems to really do well in the paint application department.
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Although I purchased mine through Amazon, your best bet is to try to find one at a comics specialty shop. If you do not have one near you, then you can order him online.
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