Hawkman #2
By Carter Hutchison
July 11, 2018 - 18:26
DC Comics
Writer(s): Robert Venditti
Penciller(s): Bryan Hitch
Inker(s): Andrew Currie, Daniel Henriques, Bryan Hitch
Colourist(s): Jeremiah Skipper
Letterer(s): Starkings, Comicraft
Cover Artist(s): Bryan Hitch, Alex Sinclair, Stjepan Sejic
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If you are not already on the Hawkman bandwagon, it's time to hop aboard. The first issue did a great job of spinning Hawkman out of the events of Dark Nights: Metal and the second issue builds upon that solid foundation.
Venditti is portraying Hawkman as an Indian Jones character in tight green pants and wings. The combination works wonderfully. Bryan Hitch's art also continues to make Hawkman one of the best looking books on the selves.
Spoilers below.
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Present day Carter Hall visits a museum temple exhibit searching for clues to his past. The thing about this particular temple though is that it was built by one of Carter Hall's past lives in Ancient Egypt. Once alone with the exhibit, Carter turns into Hawkman and is seemingly transported through time back to Ancient Egypt. He fights off some temple guards and then confronts his past self in the flesh. Hawkman learns from his past self that there is a hidden compartment in a column of the temple that contains a map. Once finding the map in present day Hawkman discovers that he must travel to...wait for it...DINOSAUR ISLAND!
The addition of Hawkman seemingly traveling to his past to search for clues in his present is an excellent concept for a Hawkman book. And I have to admit, I geeked out a little with the reveal of Dinosaur Island at the end.
Overall this book is a must read in my opinion and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Rating: 8/10
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