DC Comics
Review: Harley Quinn #22
By Philip Schweier
June 21, 2017 - 04:24

DC Comics
Writer(s): Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Paul Dini
Artist(s): John Timms
Penciller(s): Brett Blevins
Inker(s): J. Bone
Colourist(s): Alex Sinclair, Jeremiah Skipper
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Amanda Conner, Alex Sinclair; Frank Cho, Sabine Rich

The ‘rents are due, and Harley’s none too happy about it. She’s a well-known criminal who’s done hard time going up against Batman. What will dear old Mom & Dad have to say about that? Nothing, if she can put on the appearance of having a completely normal life. But as we find out, in the Quinzel family, normal is a relative term.

But they’re not the only unwelcome guests Harley has to contend with. Back in town is her evil (??) doppleganger, Harley Sinn. Only she’s not here to fight. More about her master plan to come later.

Meanwhile, in our back-up feature from Paul Dini, the Harley Quinn of old is making plans with her Mr. J to take down Gotham’s newest sneak thief, the Grison. Y’know, the one that’s been beating them to all the sweet scores the city has to offer. But first, they have a little ho-ho-home improvement at their latest ha-ha-hacienda.

It’s the start of a new plotline from Palmiotti & Conner. While I’ve been critical of their SNL-skit-that-goes-on-too-long qualities, I must give them credit for keeping their story arcs relatively short and tolerable. Writing for the trade? Fuggediboutit!

Rating: 6/10

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