DC Comics
Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #34
By Philip Schweier
December 13, 2017 - 09:34

DC Comics
Writer(s): Robert Venditti
Breakdowns: Tom Derenick
Artist(s): Jack Herbert
Colourist(s): Jason Wright
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Francis Manapul; Barry Kitson, Hi-Fi

The Lanterns of Space Sector 2814 have a united purpose: Hal, John, Guy and Kyle are determined to rescue the Guardians from the Controllers. Once a combined species (think Vulcan and Romulan), the two diverged millennia ago, leading to two distinctly different races. While I wouldn’t exactly call the Guardians benevolent, they are far less benign that the Controllers.

In this story, the GLs behave less like beat cops and more like seasoned investigators. Through guile, subterfuge and plain old force of will, they piece together clues and follow leads that will hopefully reveal the Controllers plan.

As with last issue, the cover is misleading. The text reads, “If the Lanterns fall…who will pay the price?” Well, there’s no indication of the Lanterns falling just yet. And what kind of price might be paid to ensure their defeat? Will the Controllers collapse? Will the Guardians disband? Will a Green Lantern die? Perhaps a GL would sacrifice himself to ensure victory, but not to guarantee defeat.

Or maybe I’m just misreading it, I don’t know. I wouldn’t say the cover is unimportant, but measured against the other 20 pages inside, it could easily be disregarded.

Rating: 6/10

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