DC Comics
Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #27
By Philip Schweier
August 23, 2017 - 04:16

DC Comics
Writer(s): Robert Venditti
Penciller(s): Rafa Sandoval
Inker(s): Jordi Tarragona
Colourist(s): Tomeu Morey
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morrey; Cully Hamner

The Green Lantern Corps and the New Gods – you’d think it would be an easy alliance to forge, but if there’s one thing that Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps has proven, it’s that there are no easy alliances with the GLs. Perhaps the hubris (or arrogance) of the Guardians has eroded too much of Highfather’s confidence.

So when a giant robot is determined to wipe Orion off the galactic playing field, the GLs have only one recourse: kill Orion. But doing so doesn’t solve the mystery as to where the machine came from. Matters continue to build toward a cosmic conflagration that will hopefully culminate in the end of the Rebirth era. No doubt questions will be answered, and new layers of DC lore will be solidified.

The Rebirth era has gained a great deal of momentum with titles coming out bi-weekly instead of monthly. Like a slow roast, it’s enabled Rebirth to season twice as fast. But stories on a grand scale are only grand when compared to smaller, more intimate tales. No doubt events in Hal Jordan will resonate in other titles, and vice versa, and DC will get back to doing what comic book readers demand _ telling quality stories.

This issue features everyone – Hal, John, Guy and Kyle, all in key roles, as well as other GLs, and even a few former Sinestro Corps members. But that’s okay. Not everyone followed Soranik out the door a few issues back. Though perhaps not as strong as they once were, the GLs have a tough mission ahead, but as Hal says toward the end, “All systems go.”

Rating: 8/10

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