Grimm's Fairy Tales' Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood One-Shot Review
By Andy Frisk
March 29, 2013 - 23:49
Writer(s): Pat Shand
Penciller(s): David Cutler and JG Miranda
Colourist(s): 3Martstudio
Letterer(s): Jim Campbell
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It's a plot that isn't incredibly innovative or unique, but writer Pat Shand manages to make it more enjoyable than one would expect. The collision between two of the Grimm Fairytale U's most beautiful and deadly female heroes is serious and action packed, but the overall story manages to work in some brilliant humor as well. It pokes some good natured, and gently satirical, fun at the two's costumes, actions, and circumstances. Riding Hood's neighbor remarks to her friend while seeing Britney in her costume that, "She dresses like that sometimes...must be a sex thing." Shand also has some fun with Britney after she "wolfs out." A flabergasted Robyn tries to warn a family that a monster is coming to no first.
The thing that is most fun about Robyn Hood vs. Red Riding Hood is David Cutler and JG Miranda's artwork. Staying away from the gratuitous "babe shots" that most comics staring the likes of Robyn and Britney would indulge in, Cutler and Miranda put together some well choreographed fight scenes between the two that are incredibly tight and realistic (well, as realistic as two chicks dressed like temptress fairy tale characters can be). Plenty of excellent anatomy work and costume and background detail drench each eye popping page.
A great way to introduce two of the Grimm's Fairy Tales Universe's most popular characters to each other, Robyn Hood vs. Red Riding Hood is not only a fun read, it's an engaging one that leaves the reading looking for more team ups between the two.
Rating: 8/10
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