DC Comics
Review: Green Lanterns #45
By Philip Schweier
April 25, 2018 - 08:29

DC Comics
Writer(s): Tim Seeley
Artist(s): Ronan Cliquet
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Nelson Blake II, Hi-Fi; Brandon Peterson

Jessica Cruz has emotional baggage, but despite it all (and it’s considerable) she has been chosen for her ability to overcome great fear. But now that fear has taken a new form, and she is trapped inside her own power ring, reliving her own personal nightmare. And while the Justice League can try to rescue her from her demons, it appears Simon is going to have to do the heavy lifting.

The source of this mess is Singularity Jain, an alien succubus who can tap into your defining psychological moment – usually your weakest – and turn it against you. One might think the combined might of the JLA is up to the task, but that’s a battle to be fought later. Maybe. Thankfully, a fresh ally joins them; one that may turn the tide.

It’s refreshing to see the two Green Lanterns NOT operate in a vacuum for change. For the most part, they have been kept separate from the greater DCU. It’s a pleasure to see them respond as part of the greater narrative, and at the same time, take their place alongside the major players like Superman and Batman.

The story as a whole expands on what little is known regarding Jessica’s origin: a tragic crime, followed by crippling anxiety, only to be chosen by the power ring of Earth 3. But this issue adds layers, much as other major characters have had nuances to their origins over the years. Maybe it will help re-define Jessica, but I was kind of enjoying getting to know who she is NOW, rather than who she was THEN.

Rating: 8/10

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