Green Arrow vs Black Canary #21
By Hervé St-Louis
June 21, 2009 - 00:29
DC Comics
Writer(s): Andrew Kreisberg
Penciller(s): Mike Norton
Inker(s): Josef Rubinstein
Colourist(s): David Baron
Letterer(s): Pat Brosseau
Cover Artist(s): Ladronn
$2.99 US
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Green Arrow and Black Canary try to maintain order in the city, now that all sounds have been muted. Cupid sets her sights on Green Arrow again, trying to convince him that she is worthy of his love by using feats of archery. But Cupid doesn’t get how her feats interfere with Green Arrow trying to save lives. Black Canary spots the villain responsible for the sound attack but she may not be able to stop him in time.
It’s hard to say how I feel about Kreisberg’s run so far. He’s got a few ideas but the execution is not always the best. In the past, I fault him for writing something juvenile and that felt like it was ripped from the 1990s. His writing has improved this issue, but every situation he introduces is still very primitive without any refinements. It’s too obvious. Yet, the game of miscommunication he plays this issue is a good one as characters seem to have definite perspective on what’s happening. If he were to play more that part of the story, it would improve it. But before we get to play with the different perspective in depth, he goes to the Cupid character which is a ridiculous villain mildly less annoying than Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Rubinstein gives a Dick Giordano feel to the book which is not bad, but does date it and make it less attractive than other comic book. It’s a pity that a fine inker like him who understands the art of the comic book feels dated in his handling of comic books. The reason I worry so much about the dated look, is because the majority of comic book readers these days don’t have appreciation for the art of comic book inking and looking at this comic book may decide that it is old and boring, because of the well executed, but not mind grabbing artwork.
Rating: 7/10
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