Green Arrow #30
By Paul Mason
September 9, 2017 - 10:16
DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Artist(s): Otto Schmidt
Colourist(s): Otto Schmidt
Letterer(s): Nate Piekos
Cover Artist(s): Otto Schmidt
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So the fifth part of the arc opens with Ollie on the road, still on his mission to take down The Ninth Circle. The first few pages are full of classic internal Green Arrow monologue. He soon comes across Half Jordan the Green Lantern, who heard Ollie needed his help. Green Arrow wants to shut down a satellite that The Ninth Circle has been using to spy on everybody but needs a lift getting to the satellite. In a nice nod to the iconic O'Neil and Adams series Hal uses his ring to make a space truck.
While Green Arrow and Green Lantern are travelling Emi and Black Canary are still under Star City trying to stop the human traffickers.
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Once again both the story and art are strong. Percy hits the dynamic between the Green themed duo without plagiarism and giving the long awaited Rebirth meeting some humour and sentimentality without being too heavy handed.
It would be nice if the Black Canary plot was more than a B plot as it is a serious issue and could stand more “screen time”. Otherwise this is a pretty strong issue in both story and art.
Rating: 8/10
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