DC Comics
Green Lantern Corps. # 53
By Koppy McFad
October 23, 2010 - 01:32

DC Comics
Writer(s): Tony Bedard
Penciller(s): Tyler Kirkham
Inker(s): Batt
Colourist(s): Nei Ruffino
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
Cover Artist(s): Kirkham, Batt, Ruffino/Patrick Gleason, Christian Alamy, Randy Mayor
$2.99 US 32 pages

The Weaponer, a being from the anti-matter world of Qward, who originally forged Sinestro's yellow power ring, now wants revenge on Sinestro. But rather than attacking him, he goes after his daughter, Green Lantern Soranik Natu, the girlfriend of Earth's Green Lantern Kyle Rayner.

The weaponers of Qward, who used to be the number-one foes of the Green Lantern Corps., have fallen by the wayside in recent years but this issue brings them back to the forefront. It also introduces a new baddie who is equal to any of the ring-wielders and is in some ways, their superior.

The story throws some kinks into the relationship between Rayner and Sinestro. Although there is surprisingly little surprise over the revelation that Natu is Sinestro's daughter, Rayner's willingness to stand up to Sinestro makes both his character and the situation more interesting, especially after the way everyone has been deferring to Sinestro since the big Blackest Night event ended.

The art is still a bit rough, focusing a lot on exaggerated features, much like a 1990s comic book. But it also captures the danger of the situation and the plight of the heroes.


Rating: 7.5/10

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