Black Lantern Green Arrow # 30
By Koppy McFad
March 6, 2010 - 00:48
DC Comics
Writer(s): J.T. Krul
Penciller(s): Diogenes Neves
Inker(s): Ruy Jose, Vicente Cifuentes
Colourist(s): Chuck Pires
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Greg Horn/Mike Grell
$3.99 US 40 pages
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Green Arrow has been turned into a Black Lantern and now, he goes after those he loved when he was alive-- Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Black Canary, Speedy (Mia) and Connor Hawke.
This is basically a sidestory to the big "Blackest Night" miniseries. The events will not impact the main story. Instead, we get a look into Oliver Queen's tortured past, his memories and regrets and the way he has intentionally or unintentionally hurt those closest to him. Whle the inner Ollie ponders his mistakes, the Black Lantern Green Arrow battles his friends even as he taunts them with truths and half-truths of what a selfish SOB Ollie was all along. It is actually a relief to see that this most self-righteous of heroes is probably the most flawed of them all.
The material is exciting enough. The fight by the heroes to stay one step ahead of Black Lantern Green Arrow pushes them all to their limit. But for those who are well aware of Oliver Green's history, it may all seem like DC Comics is going back to the same well too often. How often can we rehash the fact that Ollie is a big jerk who will redeem himself in the end? Yes, it is inspiring to see that he found a way to save the day, even buried deep within the undead creature he has become. But dredging up Ollie's past is being done too often-- and after the events of CRY FOR JUSTICE, it looks like it will be done a lot more again.
The art is compelling and suitably gloomy. The art team really knows how to put Green Arrow in a heroic pose, even if he is shooting at his best friends.
Rating: 8/10
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