Frisk’s Picks: 2009
By Andy Frisk
January 14, 2010 - 22:37
Best Series: Northlanders
Brian Wood’s Viking Era, turn of the century tale which focuses on religious conflict, millennial hysteria, radical insurgency, terrorism, pandemics, unregulated and morally bankrupt capitalism, gender politics, and the battle between faith and science demonstrates intelligently and with great relevance that the more things change the more they, unfortunately, stay the same. With superb art by the likes of David Gianfelice and Ryan Kelly, this is but one of the phenomenal string of titles being published by DC Comics’ Vertigo line right now.
(Honorable Mention: Unknown Soldier, also from Vertigo. This series is incredibly important and relevent as well and I was torn between this series and Northlanders as my favorite for the year.)
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Best Mini-Series: Superman: World of New Krypton
A complex, character driven, fantastically illustrated tale of state building and all the conflicts that go into rebuilding a society that is in desperate need of change, but laboring under the outdated prejudices and practices of the past, starring the greatest superhero of all time. What’s not to love? James Robinson and Greg Rucka masterfully crafted what will surely go down in history as one of the greatest Superman stories ever. With covers by Gary Frank and story art by Pete Woods and Ron Randall, WONK has been the “don’t miss” mini-series of the year.
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Best Original Graphic Novel: Ball Peen Hammer
Novelist, playwright, screenwriter, filmmaker, and Pulitzer finalist Adam Rapp’s dark, disturbing, and touching post-apocalyptic tale with art by George O’Connor is the equivalent in the world of sequential art of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. It’s one of those works, like The Road, that is an incredibly difficult, yet highly rewarding, read. It will stay with you long after you’ve read it. It will inspire you to appreciate the world around you and to take an interest in preserving the future for your children.
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Best Talent: Geoff Johns
The visionary writer who has pretty much singlehandedly revolutionized the DC Universe with his defining and reinvigorating tales about some of DC Comics’ greatest heroes including: Flash Rebirth, Superman: Secret Origin, Blackest Night, and Green Lantern.
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Best Small Run/Indie Series: Reed Gunther
A Bear Ridin’ Cowboy, a Steak Snackin’ Snake, a Stalac-Tight Spot, and some Trains, Reigns, and Pains combine to comprise the best quirky, off beat, funny, and all around enjoyable indie comic since mutated, pizza chompin’, teenaged turtles proved that off the wall characters and stories, if well drawn and written, can be more fun than a barrel full of “dead” Batmans.
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