Flash #55
By Hervé St-Louis
October 21, 2018 - 11:24
DC Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson
Artist(s): Scott Kolins
Colourist(s): Luis Guerrero
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
Cover Artist(s): Dan Mora; Howard Porter, Tomeu Morey
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A freak accident from another dimension causes Mick Rory, the Rogue villain known as Heat Wave to manifest spontaneous combustion and burn most of his body. The Flash suspects that the new forces released may be at play here but before he can investigate the situation, Rory transport him and a medic into another dimension where Heat Wave is a god. Can the Flash survive this encounter with Heat Wave?
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This is another Joshua Williamson story that moves as fast as something written by Erik Larsen and promises to turn everything upside down. Williamson’s tenure on Flash has been one where the hero’s adventures occur at a breathtaking pace and explore all of his past while introducing new elements. This is what he manages to do here while building Barry Allen’s supporting cast, introducing more subplots related to Iron Heights, and picking up on the last story with the new Trickster. There was a time when I did not like this approach to storytelling. It’s finally growing on me so good work Mr. Williamson.
Scott Kolins has drawn the Flash for so long that whenever he comes back to the series, it is a pleasure. It is as if he simply picks up from where he left the last time and continues. Although he was assigned with the Wally West version of the Flash, everyone, including Barry Allen look familiar. I like that he draws the warden of Iron Heights again. If Kolins wants to stay, and draw Flash more regularly, please sign him up!
Rating: 10/10
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