DC Comics
Flash #27
By Hervé St-Louis
August 4, 2017 - 15:16

DC Comics
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson
Penciller(s): Paul Pelletier, Howard Porter
Inker(s): Andrew Hennessy, Howard Porter
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
Cover Artist(s): Carmine Giandomenico; Howard Porter, Hifi


The end of the confrontation between Flash and the Reverse-Flash is finally here as the two nemeses fight one another. One shall stand. One Shall fall, but it may not be what you expect the fall to be.

I’m glad that this story is over even though the Reverse-Flash seems to be gone for a while. I suspect that he will be revived yet again. I’m tired of seeing him. He’s like Sinestro for Green Lantern Hal Jordan. You can always count on a writer to bring him back no matter how often he dies. Because the death of the Reverse-Flash does not appear to be permanent, the story loses all emotional connection and strength. He had been killed in the Button crossover with Batman, and revived the very next issue in Flash. Writer Joshua Williamson has sabotaged his own efforts here.


Howard Porter seems to like drawing deformed faces. His characters while dynamic has atrocious faces not because he can’t draw. Porter is an old pro. Porter is facing a Rococo phase it seems he exaggerates all the Renaissance illustration that made him popular with ridiculous facial ornaments that masquerade as emotions. Paul Pelletier’s sections, while more standard and pedestrian, limit excesses.

Rating: 7.5/10

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