Eternal Warrior #1 Review
By Andy Frisk
September 7, 2013 - 01:39
Valiant Entertainment
Writer(s): Greg Pak
Penciller(s): Trevor Hairsine
Inker(s): Trevor Hairsine
Colourist(s): Brian Reber
Letterer(s): Simon Bowland
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Finally, this long suffering Valiant fan's favorite character, The Eternal Warrior, returns to the pages of his own ongoing series. Putting aside my giddiness at the arrival of Eternal Warrior #1, I have to honestly say that this first issue is just about everything that I've been waiting for. Gilad, introduced here as the "Fist and Bronze" of the Earth, is preparing to lead the forces of civilized men against the "monsters" of the Followers of Nergal in Ancient Mesopotamia. Gilad's opponents are not monsters though, but rather drug crazed and semi-barbarous men whipped into a frenzy by the priests of Nergal and their intoxicating berzerker potions. Unfortunately, Gilad nearly loses the day until Xaran intervenes and turns the tide. Her blood lust is overpowering though. It outshines even Gilad's own battle lust, and her actions end up appalling even Gilad. It is this dynamic between Xaran, Gilad, and Gilad's son Mitu, created by writer Greg Pak, that not only moves the story along, but gives it the depth that makes Eternal Warrior #1, like each and every one of Valiant Comics' books, a cut above so many of the other comic books being published currently. Pak is a great writer, and is finally really getting the attention and opportunities that he deserves. By weaving a new dynamic into the incredibly potential laden plots that he could have easily used given The Eternal Warrior's inherent depth of potential story lines (given the character's incredibly long life and history) Pak demonstrates once again why he should be heading up a major property like Eternal Warrior. He not only writes great stories, but manages to find new ways to get at a character that one doesn't expect, in this case by focusing on Gilad's relationship with his children, along with the historical implications of Gilad's actions.
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The above complaint is more a case of a super fan splitting hairs with a book's creators than an objective artistic critique of what is a nearly flawless first issue though. Again, it's pretty obvious that I'm an Eternal Warrior fanatic who has been dying to see his favorite Valiant hero in print again and is going to continue to pour over this first issue incessantly, that is until issue #2 hits the stands. All bias aside though, Eternal Warrior #1 is the kind of first issue to an ongoing series that will undoubtedly appeal to any fan of intelligent, and great, super hero comics. Welcome back Gilad! Here's hoping that you stick around a great deal longer this time. Under the direction of Pak and Hairsine, I suspect you'll be with us for a very, very long time.
Rating: 9/10
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