ECCC: DC Comics New 52 Panel
By News Editor
March 4, 2013 - 20:53
Comics hosted its panel at the Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle, featuring Earth
2 writer James Robinson; Constantine scribes Jeff Lemire and Ray
Fawkes; Justice League of America artist David Finch; Nightwing
writer Kyle Higgins; incoming Action Comics artist Tony Daniel; Talon
writer James Tynion IV; Batgirl writer Gail Simone; Batman writer
Scott Snyder; Batman: The Dark Knight artist Ethan Van Sciver; Flash
writer Brian Buccellato; World's Finest artist Kevin Maguire; and Martian
Manhunter writer Matt Kindt.
The Martian Manhunter will be featured in a back-up series in the pages of JLA,
telling the Manhunter's origin in the New 52.
Snyder promised a fun adventure story in Batman #19 and 20, reminiscent
of the Batman animated series, followed by an11-part story starting in #21. In
other Bat Family news, Tynion announced Red Hood & The Outlaws will
soon introduce Cheshire to the New 52.Batgirl writer Simone promised a scarier
new version of the Ventriloquist in Batgirl #20.
In May, DC Readers will meet The Movement, Simone’s new book that
focuses on a band of teenagers fed up with a corrupt system. She praised
Freddie E. Williams II's art on the book, saying he designed the all-new cast.
Lemire spoke about the future of Green Arrow, especially in light of the
successful Arrow TV series. As with the TV series, the island where
Oliver Queen lived when he became Green Arrow will become more significant,
introducing new characters while resurrecting old favorites as well.
Robinson said that in Earth 2 #11, the foldout cover for DC's "WTF
Certified" promotion would introduce two characters "you'll never
expect in a million years" to the series. Upcoming issues of Earth 2
will continue the origin of the new Dr. Fate in the "Tower of Fate"
arc, drawn by Nicola Scott. Issue #13 will feature the story of Captain Steel
after the hero is introduced in the upcoming annual, which will also introduce
the new Batman of Earth 2. The book will be drawn by Robinson's former Captain
Atom artist, Cafu.
According to Buccellato, an entirely new Reverse Flash will be featured in an
extended arc that will take most of the next year, but he's not the only
character who will be showing up.
DC Comics was coy in answering fan questions when attendees posed questions
concerning the revivals of such characters as Booster Gold and the Atom. The
publisher also indicated each September will see an event to commemorate the
launch of the New 52, such as 2012’s #0 issues.
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