Deathstroke #23
By Hervé St-Louis
September 12, 2017 - 19:58
DC Comics
Writer(s): Christopher Priest
Penciller(s): Diogenes Neves
Inker(s): Jason Paz
Colourist(s): Jeromy Cox
Letterer(s): Willie Schubert
Cover Artist(s): Ryan Sook; SHane Davis, Michelle Delecki, Alex Sinclair
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Defiance, Deathstroke’s team tackle a pirate ship as part of a routine operation. In a previous training session, Rose, the second Ravager was able to hurt Deathstroke with her sword. Is the sword from the present, the past, or the future? And who is this ninja chasing another woman for the same artifact?
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This is the part of Christopher Priest’s stories where things get a bit murkier as he introduces more subplots with unknown characters whose presence we know we must pay attention to but without anymore clues as to why. Although there is a training session and a mission, this story is a setup one for new storylines and rather quiet. More should be expected. The theatrics of Deathstroke being maimed by a sword is just for show and to add something interesting to the story. It’s a scene used to advance more ideas whose payoff, following Priest’s writing style will come later,
I enjoyed Diogenes Neves’ work a lot. It follows what has been done in this series previously but adds a few more angles and edges to the mix. The inking by Jason Paz was also filling and strong. The art was pleasing this issue.
Rating: 8/10
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