Dastardly & Mutley #3
By Hervé St-Louis
October 28, 2018 - 15:43
DC Comics
Writer(s): Garth Ennis
Artist(s): Mauricet
Colourist(s): John Kalisz
Letterer(s): Rob Steen
Cover Artist(s): Mauricet; John McCrea
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The President of the United States might be arrested for using a cartoon mace to bump off a political opponent. What is it about all of this cartoon madness that follow Dastardly and Mutley. Can the General get to them and stop the cartoony mayhem that follows them everywhere or is it too late?
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While the premise of this comic is fun, Garth Ennis spends to much time explaining it and making sense of it instead of just indulging in the natural wackiness that such a premise should bring. I don’t know why he does not let loose yet and go over the top. This comic had the potential to be as crazy as the Mask, but the writer keeps a solid lid on what should be a fun ride. Why appeal to people’s logic? Whoever reads this comic is not looking for a serious and intellectual treatise on a cartoon weapon of destruction.
The president depicted here is a mix of Nixon and Trump. This is good. The rest of the visuals are solid but still not wacky enough. This is not because Mauricet is not imaginative enough or a great storyteller. It is because he is limited by a script that does not allow him to cut loose.
Rating: 7/10
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Dastardly & Mutley #3