Dark Nights Metal #4
By Paul Mason
December 21, 2017 - 08:42
DC Comics
Writer(s): Scott Snyder
Artist(s): Greg capullo
Colourist(s): Jonathan Glapion
Letterer(s): Fco Plascencia
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Clark and Bruce discover Sandman who provides vital information.
This comic is as Snyder promised an anti-crisis crisis. The callbacks and references are appreciated though. There is even name drops to the anti-monitor who was so pivotal in DC's crisis. But this series while at heart is a batman story has an impressively massive scope. The stakes are huge and so is the tension.
And the art is simply mind blowing in its beauty. Each panel is obviously drawn with care and looks fantastic. If a page is six panels or one the art is alive and jumps off the page.
Rating: 8.5/10
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